Monday, March 17, 2008

Who Does This To Me?

i spotted you
you beautiful girl
i spotted you across the room
i'm not sure what caught my eye
but you held me mesmerized

i spotted you
from across the room
your beauty held my gaze
when i worked up courage to talk to you
i knew what i was going through wasn't a phase

this time it was different
you, you are different
this is not a game
i am not the same kind of girl anymore

its been too long since i've seen you
the distance keeps us apart
but every single day i've left
you've still been on my heart
my mind fills with up with thoughts and plans
of how i can reach you
to tell you how exactly how i feel
girl, if you only knew

give me this chance
we've both been hurt in the past
let me hold your hand again
give me your time so i can make this last

this craziness that possesses me
nobody ever gets this deep inside
you've torn down every barrier
and i hardly know you
but i want to get to know you more
so let me in
and lets do this.

i spotted you
i spotted you, beautiful girl
and i'm not the same anymore
i walked away from you changed
i've stopped playing games
i know what i want & it's you.
its. you.

i've never written something like that for someone i've only known for like 2 weeks. what is WRONG with me?! *sigh*

someone out there, just tell me i'm crazy. seriously, do it and i'll thank you.

1 comment:

Do said...

no thank yous for me i guess, cause i don't think you're crazy. i'm happy you have someone that makes you feel like this. best of luck to you! (: