Wednesday, March 26, 2008

i'm on the bachelorette game show

so, i feel like i'm on a game show, the LESBIAN bachelorette. lol

girl 2 is a great girl. she really is. although i just met her, i can definitely say there's a connection with her. i get this sweet feeling about her. hell, i just wrote my last post about her. thing is, she's not ready for a commitment and i truly feel like she's just experiencing this whole thing with me to affirm her sexuality which is cool, but i want to be more than an affirmation in someone's life. great girl. like her.

girl 1, though. i've liked her alot from the start. she didn't give me what i wanted. i had to work work WORK for that shit, lol. she never called me back. she acted like she didn't care. and soon, she started caring and realizing that i'm serious about meeting her. it was amazing, she woke me up today and i was happy to talk to her. she called me and vented to me, and i was really happy to be there for her. i've never taken such a huge risk in my life. EVER.

i know i'm making the right choice. i haven't felt so real. i can't believe i'm actually going to visit her!!!!!!!!

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