Monday, March 31, 2008


i'm making a vow not to date exclusively but before i go on to stating the whys and whatnot, i just want to have a little bitch fest.

i'm upset with some people not giving me the fucking time of day. first shes interested. then shes not. then "school work takes over my life" AKA 1. i can't manage my time or 2. i'm kind of not interested anymore. lets make a 3. and just say you're a jerk and its a combination of 1 & 2. okay? k good.

i am astounded how everything can be stellar for a few days and suddenly the groove is gone. how does that happen? fuck it. i'm tired of wondering how and why. leave me the fuck alone.

i know i'm shallow. impatient. complicated. but i'm willing to learn.
my quest for finding spring love is done. lets see how long this hiatus will be.

i just need a god damned date for my brother and sarah's wedding and i'd like for it an attractive girl. is that too hard to ask for?!!!

k so i'm done dating around because i'm sick of the worrying and wondering and all the bullshit that goes on with dating a girl. girls are way too complicated. i shouldn't have to try.

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