Thursday, March 20, 2008

quick stick

in lacrosse we do this exercise called quick stick and basically when you throw, you do it in a quick, "rapid fire" motion. so when i do "quick stick" posts, they are just posts about whats on my mind RIGHT NOW!

*blows whistle & calls out QUICK STICK*

-it is NOT warm outside but it IS sunny.
the sun is beautiful yet deceiving. almost like a girl. hahah
-my right eye has been twitching since late last night. good luck at last!
-sean paul's "get busy" makes me think of rockford's start of summer parade in the year 2004.
-i look like a pac sun/hurley skateboard model today which equals hardly anybody will take me seriously. its the hat. i know it. welllll to heck with them cuz i LOVE this thing!
-i'm excited to lunch with a friend whom i havent seen in a while.
-i hope nicole emails me b/c she just txted me for my address.
-its in case you wanted to know.
-tonight our team will play amazingly!
-i need to call my pops to tell him where the game is
-hematologist appt tomorrow = scary
-buying bare minerals make up tomorrow with friends = fun
-DPS cruiser outside my building. i hope officer hottie is nearby. haha
-i'm procrastinating on draft 1 for COM202
-i almost got teary eyed at my floor mtg last night.
-i love my friends and i'm having an amazing day.
-i've been praying lately & getting back in touch with that cool guy up there, God.

w0rd out

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