Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Left Eye

Call me superstitious but I'd say I have good intuition. Okay, maybe I'm just a bit crazy but anyways theres this legend where if your left eye twitches, something bads coming your way and if your right eye does, something good will happen.

During lax last night, my left eye was skittering out of its socket! I was really nervous and talked to a friend about it when I came back, trying to defend why I shouldn't have something bad happen to me. A good, hard practice and friends asking to hang out the next day and that night were the examples of positive things so I asked myself, "why should I let this superstition ruin my night?!"

BRB Phone. It's my dad.

Back. Okay. Fastforward to about 2 A.M. Lets make this short by saying that bad shit really did happen. *sigh* I wish she knew how much she meant to the world. There's a fine line between friendship and keeping my professionalism as a Resident Assistant.

Moving on.

The clock strikes 3 A.M. and I randomly call this woman. I have no hope that she'll answer but surprisingly she answers with, "What're you doing up this late?" And I reply, "A nice "Hello" would do just fine." We are good with the attitude at any time of day, obviously. ha. It's good to hear her voice. Soothing, I guess you could say. After 10 minutes of talking she has to go and says she'll call me later. Later? How later I want to say, but I let her go. She promised she'd call me and I'm writing in here at 11:56 A.M. without hearing from her. But who would really call back after 3 A.M. with her knowing that I have class the next day?

A bit anxious? Yeah.

My kitchen is dirty. Ew. I have SOC reading to do. Fuck that class. I hate this slow computer sometimes. Maybe cuz I have too much crap on here. OK! Done complaining for the day :)

Lunch at 1. Class from 230-515. Making food with residents and dessert for party tonight. Today will be a good day whether my R eye twitches or not.

Peace and Love.

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