Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Driving up to Wellspring Christian Counseling Center, "Suddenly I See" blares from my car speakers. However you interpret that particular song, I think KT is singing about her newfound interest in homosexuality. Kinda ironic.

I used to tease a friend about dating an older woman, calling her lover her mommy and now I'm interested in someone a decade older than me. Interesting.

I don't know where I am going with this posting but I just felt like taking another break from my COM202 paper.

I talked to her for a little over an hour yesterday and it made me soo happy. She really is an awesome person who's been through more than her fair share of trials. Complex. Mysterious.

But you're 20.
and she lives in Tampa.
and she has a kid.

I don't care. And I don't know WHY those things don't bother me. Either does she.

Right now, the suns shining through my blinds and highlights the keys I type as I try to eloquently convey how much I truly care for this person and hope to get to know her better.

Times up. That's all I've got.

1 comment:

Josh Brunsting said...

Hey!!! You know what. You might just be the coolest person I know. Just thought I would let you know that.

Love ya homslice

p.s....we need to have another dinner or movie night...just an idea.