Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Instead of doing my CBR 368 homework, I am sitting here thinking of her.

Stupid, selfish, rude, inconsiderate girl yet I still am attracted to her and possessed by her mystery. I wanted her. I wanted to be her. I hated her. I admired her. I'm sick of her. I wish she'd give me the fricken time of day.

Why do I always want to be with someone I can't have?

This song, "Someday" by Pat Monahan gives me some hope but its like a 10% chance that she'll reply to this email I sent asking why things aren't at a comfortable friendship. Just when I get over the stupid infatuation I have with her, she makes some sort of contact with me. Arrgh, just leave me alone completely or pursue me completely!

Time to go, a resident of mine wants to make lunch.

...And I still haven't touched my homework.

1 comment:

Do said...

congrats on doing something about it.
you know you could've told me about this before i left. :) i want to know what's going on in your head too. (: